Tulips in Holland – Hugs

Hugs were invented to let people know you love them without anything to say. Please share with someone you love.

Tulips in Holland congratulates Amsterdam

  Happy 738th Birthday, Amsterdam! 738 years ago the name of Amsterdam was written for the first time in a historic document. Congrats to Iamsterdam.nl, Gemeente Amsterdam and Amsterdam Museum and all the people who love this wonderful city!

Tulips in Holland – 900 likes

  Wow! Today we passed the 900 likes at Tulips in Holland! A big thank you to all of you. Thank you for liking, sharing and commenting on the posts and photos. <3

Tulips in Holland Countdown – 5 months until spring time

[custom_frame_center shadow=”off”][/custom_frame_center] Cold, rain and lots of wind. Autumn is in full swing in Holland. Spring time looks far, far away (5 months!). Can’t wait to see tulips in Holland again. Last couple of weeks were perfect for planting the…