New Tulip festivals
For quite some time I have all the tulip festivals in the world listed on this page. It is a complete overview for all the tulip festivals in the world. Last week I had a lovely conversation about Taiwan and the beautiful nature and gorgeous flowers in Taiwan. That made me think if tulips could grown in Taiwan and within no time I found 3 for me new tulip festivals.
The tulip festivals I found are:
- Tao Yuan Shien Valley (桃源仙谷)
- Zhong she flower market (中社观光花市)
- Shanlin Xi Forest Amusement Park (杉林溪森林生態渡假園區)
I never thought of Taiwan as a tulip growing country so I was pleasantly surprised by this. Via Twitter I asked what the right time is for visiting these tulip festivals. And apparently the end of January until the end of February is the best time to visit.
These festivals are know included in our world festival list. Have you ever visited these tulip festivals or do you have more information about them? Please let me know in the comments. Love to hear about them.
Tulips in Holland provides you information about the spring flowers and flower fields in the Netherlands.
Have a look at the FAQ Section in the menu of this website to get all the information you need for a wonderful visit to the beautiful flower fields in the Netherlands.
If you are interested to see what the current blooming status is have a look here for the weekly flower updates.
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