How to travel to Keukenhof during Easter time
Easter time is one of the busiest days of the Keukenhof season. This will lead to long traffic jams in the whole area around Keukenhof, the town of Lisse and the flower fields.
How to travel to Keukenhof during Easter weekend:
- Traveling from Amsterdam
- Traveling from Leiden, Rotterdam and The Hague
- Traveling from anywhere in the Netherlands
- Traveling by campervan or motorhome
Be aware that traveling on Easter may cause some problems:
- Long lines before entering the bus (to and from Schiphol or Leiden)
- Traffic problems along the way between Schiphol – Keukenhof and vv.
- Standing room only in the bus between Schiphol – Keukenhof and vv.
There is only one solution to avoiding those problems and that is to travel early. If you plan to arrive before 9.30 you will have the least of problems. Travelling between 10.00 and 15.00 on Easter to the Keukenhof may lead to standing in traffic jams from 30 min and more.
If you do travel during the day make sure you have some food and drinks with you.
Interesting links
When are the tulips in bloom in 2015?
Do you have a keukenhof map?
Tulips in Holland gives you information about the spring flowers and flower fields in the Netherlands. If you are interested to see what the current blooming status is have a look here for the weekly flower updates.
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