Current status of the Tulips in Holland
Lots of people are emailing me with the question what the current status is of the tulips in Holland. At this moment the tulips are in the ground and still “sleeping”. They are getting stronger every day. A couple of weeks ago we had lots of snow (it is still wintertime here) and the past couple of days we have temperatures between the 5 and 15 degrees C. (41 – 59 degrees F). It will take a while before we can see tulips outside in the fields.
At this moment we are enjoying the indoor tulip shows. These tulips are grown indoors in greenhouses and presented to the public. It is a wonderful feeling when you are standing inside a hall full with spring flowers. The fragrance is soo lovely and make me very happy. And some people caught me photographing the tulips.
Last weekend I visited the Lente flora and next week I am traveling to the Lente tuin in Breezand.
Current status outside in the fields
Outside you can find the snowdrops and crocus in the gardens. I even spotted some first daffodils along the streets of my home town. I am waiting for the first colors of the crocus and daffodils in the fields. Probably it will take two or three weeks before we can see them.
Early, regular or late springtime?
Are you traveling to the tulips in holland this springtime? At this moment it is too early to tell weather we have an early, regular or late springtime. Keep an eye to our flower updates in our weekly newsletter. The next newsletter will be sent around Mid March.
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