Tulips in Holland on Periscope
Have you seen the new app Periscope yet? It is an unique app made by the people of Twitter and let you broadcast live video to the world. The first time when it was introduced to me I was wondering why I would like it. 1,5 hours later, watching several periscope broadcasts, I was hooked. It gives you real time video about things that are happing at that moment.
Immediately my mind was starting to think how I can use Periscope for Tulips in Holland.
What do you think of a weekly tour of the flower fields so you can walk with me around the beautiful fields to see the blooming status for yourself or a walk through the Keukenhof. Or a broadcast about harvesting the tulips during summer or putting the bulbs in the ground during autumn. I am sure there are many more uses for this app. If you have a great idea please let me know in the comments below!
The people who are watching can sent short messages and questions. And you can leave hearts by tapping on the screen to let the broadcaster know you like the video stream.
Have a look for yourself. It is available in the iTunes store and in the Google play store. When you have downloaded it, make sure you follow Tulips in Holland so you will get a notification when we start broadcasting. Hope to see you soon at Periscope!
Tulips in Holland provides you information about the spring flowers and flower fields in the Netherlands. If you are interested to see what the current blooming status is have a look here for the weekly flower updates.
Or sign up for our weekly newsletter to get the blooming status and helpful tips for your visit directly into your mailbox on Tuesday (a day earlier than on the website!).
If you have any questions – write them below in the comments or find us on social media.